Thursday 27 August 2015


I've been trying to budget the project in terms of cost and weight of the quadcopter.
I have a model in mind of a simple 24" wide X shaped design made of wood, polycarbonate and sorbothane (for vibration dampening). With that model in mind and a quick survey of what I need to propel / control the quad, I get the below.

Description Size Units Weight (g) Wratio Price (CAD) Pratio Required TWeight Tprice
Polycarbonate Sheet 432 sq-inch 1000 2.3  $        23.90 0.06 128 296 7.1
Goujon SQ 1/2 48 lin-inch 99 2.1  $          1.78 0.04 48 99 1.8
Goujon RD 1/2 48 lin-inch 44 0.9  $          0.98 0.02 32 29 0.7
Insulation tube 36 lin-inch 17 0.5  $          1.29 0.04 6 3 0.2
Sorbothane 1/4" 30 DURO 50 sq-inch 50 1.0  $        26.95 0.54 8 8 4.3
Hardware (screws, nuts, etc.) 1 bulk 100 100.0  $        50.00 50.00 1 100 50.0
1050Kv Brushless Motor 1 motor 57 57.0  $        35.09 35.09 4 228 140.4
Propellers 10in/4.5p 4 approx 60 15.0  $          6.00 1.50 4 60 6.0
ESC 30A 1 approx 29 29.0  $        13.00 13.00 4 116 52.0
3S 5200mAh Lipo Pack 1 approx 330 330.0  $        35.00 35.00 1 330 35.0
PCA9685 1 unit 7 7.0  $        15.85 15.85 1 7 15.9
Raspberry Pi 1 unit 45 45.0  $        46.11 46.11 1 45 46.1
MPU9250 1 unit 5 5.0  $        15.61 15.61 1 5 15.6
BMP280 adafruit 1 approx 5 5.0  $          9.95 9.95 1 5 10.0
GPS 1 approx 10 10.0  $        50.00 50.00 1 10 50.0
(optional) Xbee radio

Some components I've already bought and weighted, some are just approximations based on some quick web searches. I haven't locked on some components.

Still, I'm 11% under budget for weight, and 28% under budget for cost. I've excluded the cost of tools - they can always be reused for other projects. I've taken a similar commercially available kit (ELEV-8 V2 Quadcopter Kit from Parallax) as a reference. I've converted the amounts in Canadian currency (CAD).

Metric Total Target Delta %
Weight (g) 1341 1500 -159 -11%
Price (CAD) 435 600 -165 -28%

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