Thursday 3 September 2015

BOM Update

I've updated my bill of manufacturing as I locked it and ordered the parts.

Description Size Units Weight (g) Wratio Price (CAD) Pratio Req. TWeight Tprice
Polycarbonate Sheet 432 sq-inch 1000 2.3  $        23.90 0.06 128 296 7.1
Goujon SQ 1/2 48 lin-inch 99 2.1  $          1.78 0.04 48 99 1.8
Goujon RD 1/2 48 lin-inch 44 0.9  $          0.98 0.02 32 29 0.7
Insulation tube 36 lin-inch 17 0.5  $          1.29 0.04 6 3 0.2
Sorbothane 1/4" 30 DURO 50 sq-inch 50 1.0  $        26.95 0.54 8 8 4.3
Hardware (screws, nuts, etc.) 1 bulk 100 100.0  $        50.00 50.00 1 100 50.0
750-90008 KA 1050Kv Brushless Motor 1 motor 57 57.0  $        35.09 35.09 4 228 140.4
APC Propellers 10x4.5MR/MRP (ST) 4 unit 65 16.3  $        17.00 4.25 4 65 17.0
30A SimonK  ESC  4 unit 91 22.8  $        45.80 11.45 4 91 45.8
Bias 40C 3S 5000mAh 11.1-volt Lipo  1 unit 415 415.0  $        67.00 67.00 1 415 67.0
PCA9685 (PWM) 1 unit 7 7.0  $        15.85 15.85 1 7 15.9
Raspberry Pi 1 unit 45 45.0  $        46.11 46.11 1 45 46.1
MPU9250 (accel/gyro/compass) 1 unit 5 5.0  $        15.61 15.61 1 5 15.6
BMP280 (baro/altitude) 1 unit 2 2.0  $          9.95 9.95 1 2 10.0
Rangefinder LV-EZ4 Maxbotix  1 unit 4.23 4.2  $        24.95 24.95 1 4.23 25.0
MCP3008 (ADC) 1 unit 1 1.0  $          3.75 3.75 1 1 3.8
(optional) GPS
(optional) Xbee radio

I've updated the target cost as I found the quadcopter reference price in CAD.

Metric Total Target Delta %
Weight (g) 1399 1500 -101 -7%
Price (CAD) 450 742 -292 -39%

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